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    The extreme volatility in the global economy and financial markets over the past few years are a stark reminder that uncertainty lurks around every corner. Global stock markets have see-sawed from extreme highs to record lows over the past few years, leaving ordinary investors unsure of what to expect.
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    African generational tensions regarding the transfer of wealth
    As directors of trust companies forming part of Africa’s largest bank by assets, with a presence in 19 African countries, it is fair for us to say that we have significant experience implementing estate and succession plans for families with African connections. Whilst we absolutely acknowledge that each family is unique, as are their estate and succession planning needs, we do still see threads of commonality when we are approached by families wishing to establish fiduciary structures.
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    Standard Bank Offshore is perfectly positioned to support the growth of our organisation and the continent itself.
     Our Report to Society outlines our four social, economic and environmental (SEE) impact areas
    Standard Bank Offshore is perfectly positioned to support the growth of our organisation and the continent itself.
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The Standard Bank Group is committed to establishing a culture of integrity, transparency, openness and compliance, in accordance with our Group Values and Code of Ethics.

If you suspect any unethical behaviour (including theft, fraud or corruption) by any of our employees, clients or suppliers, report it immediately to our independent whistleblowing reporting channel. The whistleblowing reporting channel is available 24/7/365 days a year.

Please do not report client disputes, account queries and complaints via the whistleblowing reporting channel.

For any client account related fraud matters click here for more information.


There are 3 options to choose from to protect your identity and we encourage partially anonymous and confidential disclosures as such disclosures will better assist in the investigation process.

  • Totally anonymous
    If you decide to be totally anonymous, then you don't need to provide your name or any information that might reveal your identity, hence nobody will know that you reported the incident.
  • Partially anonymous
    If you decide to be partially anonymous, then your personal details will be known only to the Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous contact centre that manages the whistleblowing reporting channel. At no point will these details be divulged to Standard Bank Group.
  • Confidential disclosure
    If you agree to the confidential disclosure of your personal details, then your name and contact details will be known to the Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous contact centre and the investigators who will conduct the investigation.
Alternate reporting channels
To make an anonymous tip

As a whistleblower you may choose not to reveal your identity. The group has established a Whistle-blowing line, which whistle blowers may use as a reporting channel. The systems of the external party are set up in such a way that electronic reporting is non-traceable through devices such as caller ID. The external party is not permitted to give away the identity of an anonymous caller to the Group, even if they do become aware of the caller’s identity.

Telephone: +27  31  571 5476 (United Kingdom, Jersey, Isle of Man); 800 5500 (Mauritius)

Email: [email protected]

Online report: https://www.tip-offs.com/MakeReport.aspx