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How to pay and get paid

Understand the different ways of paying into your account and making regular payments out of your account.

Payment cut-off times

Payment instructions will be processed on the same day if received prior to these cut-off times.  All other payments will be processed the next working day.


For payments initiated through our International Online Internet Banking service

Currency Cut-off times For amounts >2.5 million
GBP  15:30 (GMT) 12:30 (GMT)
USD 15:30 (GMT) 14:30 (GMT)
EUR 14:30 (GMT) 12:30 (GMT)


For payments instructed to the Bank by other methods e.g. facsimile

Currency Cut-off times For amounts >2.5 million
GBP  15:00 (GMT) 12:30 (GMT)
USD 15:00 (GMT) 14:30 (GMT)
EUR 14:00 (GMT) 12:30 (GMT)

Payment instruction received outside the cut-off times  will be on a best endeavours basis.

Payments in other currencies - Spot value (payment proceed on day of receipt for value within 2 working days).

Payments in excess of EUR 2,500,000, GBP 2,500,000 or USD 2,500,000 should be instructed or verbally pre-notified to the bank before 12.30pm.  Failure to pre-notify may mean that payments will not be made until the next business day.

Payment Notifications

You will receive a payment notification every time you make an outward payment from your account.  This excludes debit card transactions.  We are always looking at ways to enhance our services and with fraud becoming increasingly sophisticated, this will further help to protect your account and deposits with us.

  • An automated email will be sent to you  advising the date and amount of your payment
  • In the near future, an automated SMS will also be sent to your mobile number to advise you that a payment was made

Note that SMS delivery is reliant on a number of factors, so please refer to your network provider in the first instance if it is not received.

Please get in touch with us immediately if you did not make the payment and you do not recognise the details provided.

Proof of payment

You can request a SWIFT confirmation by phone*. 

You can also use Secure Messaging in International Online Banking to request this information:

  • Sign in to International Online Banking
  • From the home screen, click on menu button at the top left side of the screen
  • Click on the ‘Help & Services’ option
  • Select the ‘Get help with something else’
  • In the free format message box, please quote the payment date and value, and how you want to receive proof of payment

* This will attract a service charge of £20.00 (or currency equivalent).

Recurring payments

Direct debits

A direct debit gives someone else, usually a company, permission to take funds from your account in agreed amounts and at agreed intervals.

You can set up, amend, or cancel directly with the company concerned. 

It is essential to maintain a sterling account which offers unrestricted withdrawals to take advantage of this facility as direct debits are processed within the UK clearing system. 

The bank reserves the right to reject and return a direct debit which does not comply with these rules. 

Standing orders

A standing order allows you to pay a fixed amount to someone else on a regular basis.

You can set this up by phone. 

You can also use Secure Messaging in International Online Banking to set this up:

  • Sign in to International Online Banking
  • From the home screen, click on menu button at the top left side of the screen
  • Click on the ‘Help & Services’ option
  • Select the ‘Get help with something else’
  • In the free format message box, please enter the payment details, start date, and frequency

Standing orders from a Sterling account to another Sterling account within the UK are free of charge.

See our fees and charges for this service.

Stored payments

You can save the details of beneficiaries so you don’t have to re-enter their account details every time.

Save beneficiary details

  • Select PAY on Online Banking home screen
  • Click on ‘Create a beneficiary’
  • Enter the beneficiary name, select the country of the recipient bank
  • Confirm the currency of the payment
  • Select ‘Account type’ to enter either the beneficiary account number or IBAN
  • Enter a valid SWIFT/Sort code
  • Then choose recognisable references you and the beneficiary can use to identify your payment
  • Select the payment of fees option 
  • Click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the screen
  • Review the details of your transaction and ‘Confirm’ if you’re satisfied
  • Enter the security code generated by your security token and click on ‘Submit’ to save the beneficiary details

Pay a saved beneficiary

  • Select PAY on Online Banking home screen
  • Click on the ‘>’ next to the beneficiary’s name
  • Select ‘Pay’
  • Enter the value for the transaction
  • Choose the payment of fees
  • Edit the value, date and references as needed
  • Click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the screen
  • Review the details of your transaction and ‘Confirm’ if you’re satisfied
  • Enter the security code generated by your security token and click on ‘Submit’ to save the beneficiary details 
  • You will receive a confirmation message when your payment has been processed

Amend a saved beneficiary

  • Select PAY on Online Banking home screen
  • Click on the  icon located on the right-hand side of the at the end of the selected beneficiary you would like to amend
  • Click on ‘Edit’
  • Select and update the required fields
  • Click on ‘Next’ in the top right of the screen
  • Confirm the amount you wish to send
  • Select ‘Review’
  • Review the details of your transaction and ‘Save’ if you’re satisfied
  • Enter the security code generated by your security token and click on ‘Save’ to store the updated details 
  • You will receive a confirmation message when your changes have been saved

Delete a saved beneficiary

  • Select PAY on Online Banking home screen
  • Click on the  icon located on the right-hand side of the at the end of the selected beneficiary you would like to delete 
  • Click ‘Delete’
  • Click ‘Delete’ again to permanently delete the saved beneficiary