Global Equity Fund
Add high-growth potential to your international investment portfolio with a fund that offers you exposure to the world’s leading stocks.
1 500
Minimum Investment
2 500
Minimum Investment
Asset Class
Risk Profile
Supported currencies
Benefits of Investment Funds
We build risk-weighted portfolios designed to deliver capital growth
Asset allocation
This fund offers exposure to global equities to drive long-term growth
Actively managed
We partner with high-conviction, active managers with outstanding records
Diversify risk
Our multi-manager approach means all your eggs are not in one basket
What you get
- Available in GBP or USD
- Actively managed, multi-manager fund
- Exposure to an equity portfolio that seeks aggressive growth
- Capital is not guaranteed
What it costs
What you get
What it costs
- Available in GBP or USD
- Actively managed, multi-manager fund
- Exposure to an equity portfolio that seeks aggressive growth
- Capital is not guaranteed
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